Funny Clean Jokes | Part 3

One day, fridges will take their revenge. They will burst into your bedroom in the middle of the night, switch the light on, stare at you for a few minutes and then leave.

What did the judge ask when he went to the dentist?

“Do you swear to pull the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth?”

My friend boasted he had the body of a Greek god. I had to explain where Buddha actually comes from.

Q: What did the tall chimney say to the small chimney?
A: “Hey, you’re way too young to smoke.”

“Mom, don’t get alarmed, but I’m at the hospital.”
“Son, please. You’ve been a surgeon there for 8 years now.

Can we start our phone calls differently?”
The kangaroo mother got incredibly itchy around her belly. She opened her pouch and yelled into it:
“How often have I told you not to eat the crunchy cookies in bed!”

What if dogs fetch the ball back only because they think you really like throwing it?

“Little Jonny, why did you put your teddy in the freezer?”

“I would like to have a polar bear.”

Man to his wife: “Do you know what our 6 year old son wants to be once he’s big?”
Wife: “No.”
Man: “A garbage man. And you know why?”
Wife: “No, why?”
Man: “Because he thinks they only work on Tuesdays.”

An eskimo brings his friend to his home for a visit. When they arrive, his friend asks, puzzled – “So where’s your igloo?”
“Oh no, I must’ve left the iron on…”

When a guy says he likes girls with a sense of humor, he doesn’t mean that he wants a girl to be really witty and funny. He means he wants her to laugh at his jokes.

In a boutique:
Could I try the dress in the shop window, please?
I’m sorry madam but no. We have cabins for that.

Funny Clean Jokes | Part 2

A man goes to the lawyer: “What is your fee?”
Lawyer says: “1000 US dollars for 3 questions.”
Man: “Wow – so much! Isn’t it a bit expensive?”
Lawyer: “Yes, what is your third question?”

Bob: “Holy schmoozes, I just fell off a 30 ft ladder.”
Jim: “No way man, are you okay?”
Bob: “Yeah, luckily I was just on the first step.”

Two years ago I asked the girl of my dreams on a date, today I asked her to marry me.
She said no, on both occasions.

Insurance clerk: “Where were you born, Sir?”
Man: “In the United States.”
Insurance clerk: “OK, and which part?”
Man: “My entire body.”

My wife is a bit weird. She always starts her talking with “Michael, are you listening to me?”

A man hired a lawyer when he got sued by his company for embezzlement of many millions. At the beginning of the process, the lawyer kindly reassured him: „Don’t worry, you’ll never go to jail with that amount of money.“

And the lawyer was right. When the man did go to jail eventually, he didn’t have a penny anymore.

“Waiter, take your thumb off my schnitzel immediately!”

“Oh yeah? And have it fall down again!?”

My SMS autocorrect just changed “I’m so concerned with existential anxieties it is difficult to breathe” to “I feel great”

“Your waffle iron isn’t working, dear!”

“Please just stay away from my laptop grandma!!!”

The police stops a computer hardware engineer: “Your light isn’t working. You have to get off your bike.”
IT guy: “I tried that but the light still isn’t working.”

Bus driver to passenger: Don’t you want to sit down?
Passenger: No, I am in a hurry.

Really Funny Clean Jokes – p1

Why did the physics teacher break up with the biology teacher? There was no chemistry.

Q. Why do the French like to eat snails so much?

A. They can’t stand fast food.

Husband: “Oh the weather is lovely today. Shall we go out for a quick jog?“
Wife: “Hahaha, I love the way you pronounce ‘Shall we go out and have a cake’!”

Daddy did you know that girls are smarter than boys?
No, I didn’t know that.
There you go.

Late one night a mugger wearing a mask stopped a well-dressed man and stuck a gun in his ribs. “Give me your money,” he demanded. Scandalized, the man replied, “You can’t do this – I’m a US Congressman!” “Oh! In that case,” smiled the robber, “Give me MY money!”

A recent scientific study showed that out of 2,293,618,367 people, 94% are too lazy to actually read that number.

A boy breaks on old vase at a rich uncle‘s house. The uncle gets extremely angry and yells: “Do you even know how old the vase was? It was from the 17th century!” The boy sagged in relief: “Oh, good that it wasn’t new.”

Why does it suck to be a penguin?
Because even when you get angry, you still look cute.

What is white and sits on your TV?
A fly wearing a nightie.

I’ve always thought my neighbors were quite nice people. But then they put a password on their Wi-Fi.

What did the stamp say to the envelope?

You stick with me and I will take you places!